Team Archon and Team Spirit first to get eliminated at Shanghai Major

Posted by Andreea "divushka" Esanu 16 hours, 33 minutes ago
The first lower bracket best-of-one game featured EHOME taking on Team Archon followed, after a large break, by Team Spirit facing compLexity Gaming - fighting to stay alive at the Shanghai Major main event.
EHOME vs Team Archon
EHOME couldn’t dream for an easier lower bracket than the one they got and they had no problem stomping the North Americans that came into Shanghai via  the regional qualifiers. They played what works the best for them, a well structured team fight draft with an Ursa pick for Chen 'Cty' Tianyu who’s still undefeated on the hero in this patch.
Archon tried to surprise with a last pick Broodmother for Jaron 'monkeys-forever' Clinton in the mid lane but EHOME adapted right away and sent their Tidehunter to mid for basically free spiderlings farm. But not before they secured the first blood and a second kill before the starting horn.
Having a two kill advantage and both bounty runes secured for themselves, EHOME dominated the laning phase with some small problems in the offlane where Archon had a few successful ganks. However, the game was rather one sided in EHOME’s favour - who, by the 18 minute mark, were already taking a tier three tower and felt confident enough to make deep dives into the enemy base. Ten minutes later, EHOME was leading with a 20 kill advantage (29-9) and was able to end the game with ease.

Right after the first Chinese team secured another day at the Shanghai Major, the organisers announced to the live audience that they were not allowed inside the building after 21:30 (local time) and respectfully asked everyone to leave. Meaning that the next three Chinese teams from the lower bracket, Vici Gaming, CDEC Gaming and Newbee will be forced to play without their home fans cheering while they fight for their own survival at the Shanghai Major.
While the audience was leaving the arena Team Spirit twitted that their game versus compLexity will be delayed because the organisers have lost Roman 'Ramzes666' Kushnarev’s keyboard.
A few more twitts reporting other issues that players and managers are facing on-site came online in the almost one hour break until the Ramzes666 keyboard problem was solved and finally the second game of the day from the lower bracket started.
Team Spirit vs compLexity Gaming
The best-of-one-survival game featured a rather greedy draft from compLexity Gaming with an Enigma, Lone Druid, Tiny and a Brewmaster while Team Spirit had only two strong cores to fight with early. Nevertheless, they managed to score the first blood with Bogdan 'Iceberg' Vasilenko’s Ursa in mid lane, but coL had a better overall laning phase and an uncontested jungle farm session for their Zakari 'Zfreek' Freedman on Enigma, which in the end made the difference for the North American team.
Zfreek had an incredible game with at least six perfectly landed black holes that turned around all the teamfights for his team and kept the American dream alive in Shanghai.
compLexity Gaming will face LGD Gaming tomorrow in the second round of the lower bracket, which is also a best-of-one, while EHOME will play off against Alliance for a shot at the remaining spots in the competition.
Main event day one at Shanghai Major continues with the most anticipated lower bracket series so far, Virtus.Pro vs Vici Gaming, and will end with two Chinese teams fighting for the one spot available for the next round in the lower  bracket; CDEC Gaming vs Newbee.

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